The Importance of Quality over Quantity on Social Media

If you are new to the social media world, ‘it can be daunting to understand the right way to promote your brand, or yourself, online. One of the most important things you should always remember is that quality is key.

A major problem companies face online when they are over-eager to share exciting products or information is saturating their social media channels with content. You want to ensure that every time you post something, it is engaging your intended audience and has relevance related to your business. If you start to post multiple times a day, every day, your posts lose relevance and become white noise to the people who follow you.

You want to make sure that every time new content is uploaded, your audience is engaged and receptive. Their feelings could quickly turn to annoyance if they find themselves scrolling through 3-4 posts by your account every day. Instead of gaining more attention for your brand, you are in fact losing significance. The worst thing you could do is annoy your audience, since this will lead to a loss of followers.

By limiting quantity and focusing on the quality of each post, you are guaranteeing that every time a user comes across your content, it is new and interesting.

Here are some tips to maximize your quality posts over a variety of different social media channels.

  1. Limit your posts to one a day. This means that your audience will still get daily updates about your brand, but without the annoyance of having to sift through a multitude of them. The only exception to this would be Twitter, where the character count and the fact that brands are expected to communicate through their accounts means it has some exceptions. However, the same rules apply to the relevance of your tweets; just because you can post more on Twitter doesn’t mean you always should.

  2. Schedule your postings so you can ensure you are getting the right message out at the right time. This also avoids the panic if you can’t find anything to post on a certain day, since you will see the gaps in your schedule days before you need to have anything prepared.

  3. Mix up the message on each social media site. If you have people who follow you across all channels (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc…), then sometimes mixing up the postings will keep their newsfeed interesting. You could schedule post A for Instagram on Monday, and then post it on Facebook on Tuesday. That way, you avoid some of the repetition.

I hope these tips were helpful to maximize your social media presence by focusing on quality over quantity!  

This week’s blog was written by our Marketing Assistant Chloe Gillot, a 4th year student at the University of Victoria majoring in English and French, with a minor in Business.

Chloe Gillot